Thomas Doe
Social WorkerNulla totam rem metus nunc hendrerit ex voluptatum deleniti laboris, assumenda suspendisse, maecenas malesuada morbi a voluptate massa! Hendrerit, egestas.
The Pearson Test of English Academic or PTE – has quickly grown to become the preferred English test for students and migrant visa applicants alike around the world, especially, Australia and New Zealand. In addition to its unbiased approach to testing, the test has many unique advantages. PTE Academic is an English test trusted by universities, colleges, and governments around the world. It is the fastest computer-based English test and allows you to demonstrate language skills.During the three-hour test session, there will be three main parts to the test: speaking and writing (together), listening and reading. There are twenty different question formats, ranging from multiple choice questions through to essay writing and interpreting information. PTE Academic assesses real-life, academic English, so you will hear excerpts from lectures and view graphs and charts. You will hear a range of accents in the test, from British and American to non-native speakers, so you will be exposed to the type of accents you will encounter in everyday life.
Taken in a test center
Computer-based with headset
Two hours long
Assesses real-life English
20 question types
Single test session
his part of the test contains seven
different question types. You will be
tested on both your speaking and writing
skills, and will use English you might hear in an academic environment.
This part of the test contains five different question types, and tests your ability to read academic English. One item type assesses both writing and reading skills.
This part of the test contains eight
question types and tests your listening
skills, through a series of audio and video